Stepping Into Your Femininity: Beginner’s Guide

Hello all! I hope that this post finds you doing well and eager to embrace this holiday season. I know that I am very excited to have some time to spend with my family and with part of Jake’s family this week Thanksgiving week. Today I wanted to post a brief guide for those of you who may be interested in transitioning to a more feminine lifestyle and way of living. This post is by no means a hard fast guide that you must follow to start your feminine journey, but rather a springboard for you to find yourself in the feminine realm. 

1. Understand the fundamental differences between men and women. 

I find this to be extremely important to start your feminine journey. Men and women are created differently on a mental, emotional, and biological level. There are certain things that men are going to be able to do that women are not going to be as good at. Same going the other way… there are things that women are going to be wonderful at, whereas men are going to struggle a bit. I would encourage you to dive into determining what you notice the key differences between men and women are. From that point on you can work on embracing the things that you determine to be more feminine. For me, the large realization came from the understanding that men are made to be our guides and women are made to trust and follow their guide. That does not mean that women have to be weak and timid, but rather to know that in a healthy relationship the man is supposed to take the lead on large decisions, lead the relationship in a manner that is beneficial to the both of you and your growth/betterment, and protect his loved ones. 

If you are not in a relationship, I would encourage you to look for men that are willing to guide and be strong masculine men, as opposed to the emasculated men that are ever so common in today’s world as modern feminism has told men to lose and be ashamed of their core of masculinity. 

2. Strategically go through your wardrobe.

I’m sure that one of the first things that you notice when you meet a feminine woman is how she dresses. This is so important because “dressing the part” is something that can transform your life. Take it upon yourself to go through your closet and either throw away or donate any clothing items with holes, stains, or tattering. While it would be so nice to be able to start your wardrobe fresh, it is quite an expensive thing to do. Instead, work on formulating modest and flattering outfits that you would be comfortable wearing around your role model and try to keep that mentality when you get dressed each day. I would encourage you to embrace the fits of clothing that you feel the best in, and replicate those fits throughout your whole wardrobe.

Since starting my feminine journey, I have gotten rid of ill-fitting clothing and pieces that are not flattering on me. I have also been mindful when purchasing new items to ensure that I will be able to wear the item in a wide variety of situations. Over time, you will be able to have a perfectly curated closet for you and your own feminine style.

3. Avoid the “one-upping”/bragging mentality.

There is nothing more discouraging to me than trying to have a conversation with someone who is constantly trying to make their life seem like it is better than mine. This mentality is something that is becoming more and more prominent, and I think that it has to do with the popularity of social media and the open display of people’s lives on the internet. 

I would encourage you to be mindful of yourself when you’re in a conversation, especially with strangers as this is commonly when people try to brag about their life. If you notice that you are doing this, try to focus on other ways that you can convey what you are trying to say without bragging about it. I have learned that I will sometimes adopt more of a “bragging” tone when it comes to speaking about my relationship. I did this completely unknowingly for quite some time. I have learned that instead of bragging about it I will create it to be a compliment toward my significant other because this is all that I mean for it to be when I bring it up in conversations.

4. Spend time on yourself.

Avoid neglecting yourself. Many feminine women have an inherent desire to nurture those around them. This trait is so admirable because it is a feminine trait that women used to pride themselves on and still should. It is so easy to forget to devote time to yourself when you are focused on caring for others around you. 

Set a time once a week or every other week to focus on grooming and pampering yourself. This, by no means, is meant to say that you need to go out and get your nails done or spend money at a spa, but rather take some time to listen to your favorite music, podcast, or watch your favorite show with a candle lit. You can try to paint your own nails, try a new hairstyle, take a peaceful bath, or even go on a refreshing walk in nature. 

As a feminine woman, I believe that it is crucial to pay attention to the state of your nails both on your fingers and toes. If you have chipped polish, then remove the polish. If you are not someone who polishes your nails, then be sure that your nails are clean and maintained. Know how to take care of and shape your eyebrows and any unwanted body hair, as well as how to style your hair in a way that suits your face structure. These are all easy ways to spend time nurturing and recharging yourself. 

5. Channel your inner child gracefully.

While this topic is last, it most definitely is not least. I think that at the heart of every feminine woman there is some child-like playfulness and innocence. Being a feminine woman means that you are feeling at rest with yourself. What I mean by that is that when you are embracing your natural state, then you should feel at ease with yourself. There will no longer be a sense of having to check the boxes that you believe society has made for you, but rather you will be thriving in your natural state. 

Being a feminine woman allows for there to be more feminine mystery which is one of the most desired traits by men. This includes avoiding speaking about questionable topics, knowing the tone of the room and conversation, and not spilling your heart to everyone that you come into contact with. Being an oversharer is not a natural thing to do. As women, we are supposed to be able to pick up social queues to know when to redirect the conversation and when to add to the conversation. Harnessing your feminine playfulness and mystery is the foundation for building strong communication and social skills that will further your journey stepping into your feminine state.

Which of these 5 points do you think will be the easiest for you? Which of these 5 points may be more difficult for you? 

Remember that coming into your feminine self takes time and patience, people may begin to notice a difference and that is okay. You don’t have to tell anyone specifics if you’re not comfortable, but I always choose to say something along the lines of “I am working on my fundamental feminine nature” if someone chooses to pry.


The Unnecessary Struggle of Feminine Women in Today’s World